Company Information

Board of Directors
Executive Directors
Mr. HUANG Changsheng (Chief Executive Officer)
Ms. Deng Xiaoting
Independent Non-executive Directors
Mr. MENG Gaoyuan
Mr. LIANG Jilin
Mr. CAO Ping
Audit Committee
Mr. MENG Gaoyuan (Chairman)
Mr. LIANG Jilin
Mr. CAO Ping
Remuneration Committee
Mr. CAO Ping (Chairman)
Mr. HUANG Changsheng
Mr. MENG Gaoyuan
Mr. LIANG Jilin
Nomination Committee
Mr. LIANG Jilin (Chairman)
Mr. HUANG Changsheng
Mr. MENG Gaoyuan
Mr. CAO Ping
Authorised Representatives
Mr. HUANG Changsheng
Ms. LI Peihua
Company Secretary
Ms. LI Peihua
Registered Office
Clarendon House
2 Church Street
Hamilton HM11
Head Office and Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong
One Hysan Avenue
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
Bermuda Principal Share Registrar
Appleby Global Corporate Services (Bermuda) Limited
Canon’s Court, 22 Victoria Street,
PO Box HM 1179, Hamilton HM EX,
Branch Share Registrar in Hong Kong
Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited
Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor
Hopewell Centre
183 Queen’s Road East
Hong Kong
Certified Public Accountants
Lee Garden One
33 Hysan Avenue
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
Legal Adviser as to Hong Kong Law
Loong & Yeung Solicitors
Room 1603, 16/F, China Building
29 Queen’s Road Central
Hong Kong
Listing Information
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
Stock Code: 812